If you've downloaded the demo ? and upwards of a million of you have ? you know that Red Faction: Armageddon contains a surfeit of amusing weapons, destructive tools whose gleeful ridiculousness rivals anything in the Ratchett and Clank series. As promised a month ago, he is a unicorn whose sphincter shoots rainbows with the power to seemingly vaporize basically anything on Mars. Here for your viewing delectation is Mr Toots.

Red Faction: Armageddon has exactly that many balls. It takes a whole other level of ballsiness to say to players, ?download this a million times and we'll put a farting unicorn in our game? and then, a month down the line, to do just that. But giving players a new car or sword or what have you is small potatoes.

EA, in particular, has made use of this modus operandi frequently of late. It's common practice to sweeten the deal of a new game demo by promising new features if the download reaches a set, seemingly extravagantly-high figure.